I first started making wire jewelry about 10 years ago. I loved the antique look of dousing the pristine shiny silver into liver of sulphur, making it charcoal grey, buffing it then finally polishing it. By doing this it picks up the light on the parts where the patina has been lifted and polished and leaves the black patina in the crevasse's and twists. I love this look but because I was trying to sell my jewelry to the "main" stream, I stopped because it seemed most people didn't like the antique look. Well....I'm over that and have come full circle! I have always said, make what YOU like not what other people like and I wasn't doing that anymore. There are some pieces of jewelry that don't require the antiquing and I will still work on those pieces, but my roots and love of everything kinda grungy in so much that it looks like it has been just dug out of the earth is my first impulse. Just for the record, it takes twice as much work to make the jewelry look that way plus as my teacher Lynne Merchant says (I'm paraphrasing) the more you work a piece of jewelry by polishing and handling it the more of your energy will transfer into it and consequently (inevitably) this gives your piece energy and vibrancy, almost like it's alive! I think that to be true in all our endeavors. Don't you?
One other thing...if you like these pieces and want to buy any or want a custom piece, by all means contact me! The asymmetrical earrings are one of a kind (as most all my pieces are) and start at $45, the charm bracelets start at $135, other bracelets start at $45, soldered pendants start at $13, the soldered bevel glass pendants pictured here are my own collages and are $25 with ball chain, most other necklaces vary in price. I have soooo many more pieces...